That whole scene lives in my head completely rent free, and you've done it justice!
That whole scene lives in my head completely rent free, and you've done it justice!
Same with me, it always plays at the back of my head at winter time, oh G1 Transformers xD
Serious "Child upset that you broke their toy..." energy.
Don't worry.
As long as you tell people that the bird is a Partridge, and that the tree they're sitting in just so happens to be a Pear Tree, I think you can get away with this one.
Can also have a ordainment dangling on the branch she is resting on, then will totally be a 'smiss pic
"I hope you brought something stronger than a Portal Gun this time. Otherwise, I'm afraid you're about to become the immediate Past-President of the Being Alive Club. Ha ha."
More reason for me to someday make this into a short, so many good lines to reference xD
"Aye this man chi- Aye this man just 'I don't wanna do this no more...'"
Not even hunger can get him out of that chair xD
Gah, lucky! It hasn't snowed at my place in over a decade... Nice art though - lil' fella has some amazing tail strength to be able to hold that umbrella!
The excitement of snow gave em a strength boost xD
The rootinest, tootinest Scringly Dingly of them all.
The fastest scringly dingly in the west
The pose Hank is in reminds me a lot of the DOOM comic, amazing job!
It does look like it! Probably because of Rambo
I don't know what some of these Bionicle fans are getting so miffed about - this looks EXACTLY like Tahu, I thought they just gave us a reissue of the set when I first saw this little guy.
They're just salty cause they like Hero Factory more smh
As a MASSIVE fan of G1 Transformers, you've done these two justice! I notice that there's a hint of Armada in Optimus' design, as well as there being a hint of Animated in Megatron's - they're subtle, but they work amazingly!
So glad you like : D
Yeah both have a little mix of a bunch of different interpretations, I love Animated and have a huge soft spot for the Armada designs so had fun with blending em x3
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Joined on 6/25/21